European funds

The project „Rozwój Cukierni Staropolskiej poprzez wprowadzenie innowacyjnych wyrobów cukierniczych będących wynikiem prac B+R” implemented under Measure 3.7 Increasing the competitiveness of MŚP Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Lubelskiego.


The main goal of the project is to implement the results of B+R works in the field of smart specialization of the region, i.e. medicine and health, by launching the production of 4 innovative high-quality confectionery products on a national scale with pro-health values and increasing the competitiveness and development potential of the Cukiernia Staropolska Tomasz Machoń in the period from 01/03/2020 to 30/12/2021.


The Cukiernia Staropolska will implement the results of research and development works under the project, including 4 product innovations on a national scale and 1 non-technological marketing innovation (supporting the sale and promotion of new products) based on information and communication technologies. The confectionery will also expand its export activities by selling a new product on the new German market and will increase employment. As a result of the actions taken, revenues will increase.


Project value: PLN 1,073,298.00

Contribution of European Funds: PLN 610,820.00